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Engage yourself as Tutor 

If the student is at the centre of the Virtual Mobility, the tutor is nonetheless the keystone in the project and in the virtual mobility exchange.

Indeed, what is an Erasmus+ exchange without someone being here to guide you, to introduce you to the system of the University, to help you when needed?

In classic physical mobility, there is often an Erasmus+ office or a tutor, a mentor that is here to assist you. Here in the virtual mobility, this role will be taken by the tutor, you. If tutoring is mainly related to the courses, it is not the only activity that we are expecting from a tutor. Indeed, tutoring can take different angles depending on the wish and on the need of each student, and on the requirement of the teachers.

The tutor will work in an interdependent relationship with teachers from their university AND students from abroad. He is the cornerstone between the teachers, the university, and the international student.

At the beginning of each mentoring, the tutor will have an interview with the student in VM from one of the partner universities, to meet and to elaborate together their collaboration during the project.

Examen à l'examen

Tutoring the courses of Economics

Pedagogical angle

  1. Check the diligence of the students

  2. Helping with the courses: answering questions, helping with an exercise, explaining some aspects of the course

  3. Being able to monitor students from different countries, culture and background

Image de Austin Kehmeier

Mentoring the Virtual Mobility

Social angle

  1. Helping with the virtual mobility aspect in general: one to one discussion on a regular basis

  2. Guiding the student through the specific system of the university: platform, registering, understanding the grading system

Reporting to the teachers 

Assessment angle

  1. Complete the “student-tutor communication book” to note every progress, difficulties, and evolution of the student

  2. Deliver a “proof of the work” for the tutor and feedback on the student's evolution at the end of the semester 

Application PROCESS as a TUTOR 


Image de Jon Tyson


Check the criteria

  1. You are a student enrolled in one of the 6 partner universities of the MOVIDIS Project

  2. You are in Master degree in Economics

  3. You have a level B2 in English

Image de Jon Tyson
Image de Markus Winkler


wait for the call for application within your home university

Image de Markus Winkler
Image de Hello I'm Nik 🎞


Start your application file 

  1. Resume + academic record + motivation letter + certificate of language (B2 English)

  2. Functional specification signed to certify that you are aware of your responsibilities as a tutor and to show your engagement in the project

Image de Hello I'm Nik 🎞
Image de Bernd Klutsch


Submit your application to the office in charge of your university

Evaluation and Selection by the selection committee within your home university
There might be a waiting list depending on the number of international student who take the courses.

Image de Bernd Klutsch
Image de Matt Botsford


In case of acceptatioN

  1. You will be assigned the list of the students you will have to take care of (max 3 students)

  2. You will be in contact with your students and receive a video of them

  3. You will be in charge of organizing a first individual interview with your student to know his preference and availability to choose a day per week to meet

Image de Matt Botsford
Image de Aron Visuals


During the Virtual Mobility:

  • As a classic Erasmus+ exchange, the student will have to follow his/her courses online via the different moodle platform. As a tutor, You will have to follow your students with diligence and be involved in the project and in your student virtual mobility.


  • For each student, you will have to follow your functional specification including both the pedagogical and the social angle


  • You will be in touch with the teachers from your university: he/she will give you access to his/her course and give you the instructions for his/her course in order to help the students at best. You will therefore have to follow the evolution of the course and check if your student is doing well


  • You will be supported by the teacher if need and by the Project Manager office of the MOVIDIS Project

Image de Aron Visuals
Image de eniko kis


At the end of the virtual Mobility

  • You will have to hand out the ”student-tutor communication book” completed with the reporting of your work during the whole semester and other documents needed from your home university


  • You will receive either points/money or other system of gratification depending on your home university


  • You will also receive one (or a few) open badge(s) certificate for “teaching virtually”


  • You will be able to add it on your CV and considered it as a great experience for the future


  • You will be part of a new community and have great memories!


  • We will ask you to complete a report for a testimony of your VM experience for the other students.

Image de eniko kis
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